He is the third person I will love to hate, so sad and depressing that it has come to this.
You've been playing with me, so fuck you and good bye.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Sunday, June 12, 2011
So shit, so bored. Don't want to do my Uni homework, don't want to go to work.
Don't want to do anything.
I want to break free!
So sick of everything, I can't be bothered.
Motivation zero.
I love to hate.
Don't want to do anything.
I want to break free!
So sick of everything, I can't be bothered.
Motivation zero.
I love to hate.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Two weeks.
The past two weeks have been absolutely hectic.
So much drama, like I don't really give a damn anymore, especially after the eventful, fucked up weeks I have had.
Mate moves, failing uni, job has been intense, people... being people, distance, relationships, everything under the sun. I am however, saving up for my new car, to move to Melbourne. I recently bought a laptop and a TV, and am the proud owner of a PS3, which I stole off my little brother. PSN is down, so he really couldn't give a damn about it either.
My room is an absolute pigsty and I don't care, if it bothers people, then get out. Duh.
So many people owe me money that it is ridiculous, it is ALOT if you add up all the numbers, but no, they don't care. They won't pay me back. Probably never, which is the sad part, also that you trust someone enough for them to screw you around.
Now, I smoke, maybe I should quit, maybe I shouldn't, I don't want anyone telling me what to do, or how to live my life. I'm me, get over it. I do what I want!!! (South Park)
What else has happened while I am on here. Oh right, Justin Bieber landed, whoopty friggin doo!!! The girls at the airports screams could be heard from a mile away, I hope he got egged again, because that was god damn funny. I put the YouTube clip on repeat.
University is so average at the moment, only few people are keeping me going, lovely Andy what would I do without you???? The there aremy two best mates in my course, C and M. They're the only people keeping me going, I have already given up, and first semester isn't even over. I am also doing my Prac for my course, and that is another thing keeping me going, my client, she is absolutely wonderful and I would not want to ruin that. For her sake, and for mine.
Work, work is work. What can I say, has it's good days, and has it's bad, I can't bag it because it's giving me a living. If I didn't have this job then I wouldn't have a TV or a laptop or soon to have, a car. I am so glad I'm working hard for what I want, and it is not being given to me by parents or anything. If that happened, I'd just turn into a spoilt slut, who doesn't give a damn about family, friends or relationships. Yes, I'm being bias, so what. I am entitled to my own opinion.
Another thing about University is that it has opened up my eyes to the world and what is around us, I never used to see people with disabilities for who they really were as much, until now. I still hardly saw them very different, but it has opened my eyes to the politics and the media around the area, and how it is influencing the general publics opinion on the area, and of people in the category.
Mental illness, people with intellectual disabilities isn't very known or recognised, as they have "normal" features to them, from the plain eye. Everyone has something wrong with them. There is no such thing as a normal person. Alot of people have mental health issues, you just can't see it, and then there are psychologists who think they know everything, when they don't. They really don't. They can twist anyones words to make people think what they want to think about someone, or even themselves.
Man I have written a shit load, but I can go on, and I probably will. I am on my little rant now.
What else, oh yes. The Prime Minister of Australia, want's to cut Welfare checks to teenagers with children unless they get an education or try and get a job, (something along those lones) and I agree with it. Work for your money, the Welfare system in Australia is totally corrupt, there are so many people who get around it, who make more money sitting on there arses doing nothing and making more than people who went to uni and worked their bloody guts off to be where they are now. It makes no sense, not one bit. If you want money, prove that you need it, work for it. Don't sit on your arse day in, day out. It's actually bad for you health aswell, and you'll probably get fat, if not, unhealthy.
Everything needs changing, everything could be so much better now, but in reality, change never happens. People don't change, so instead they grow apart, choose people and friends suited to you. I've been going on a friend detox since year 9, winning and losing some constantly, at the end of this detox, I'll know who is true. I don't hate anyone, but I can't be friends with people who don't like me, as me, or don't suit me. It's so hard to explain, but in the end, you want to be around people most compatible, similar interests, etc. etc.
I'm going to leave it at that. I most likely won't write anything for a while, but it's not like anyone actually reads this, so meh. Have a good life.
So much drama, like I don't really give a damn anymore, especially after the eventful, fucked up weeks I have had.
Mate moves, failing uni, job has been intense, people... being people, distance, relationships, everything under the sun. I am however, saving up for my new car, to move to Melbourne. I recently bought a laptop and a TV, and am the proud owner of a PS3, which I stole off my little brother. PSN is down, so he really couldn't give a damn about it either.
My room is an absolute pigsty and I don't care, if it bothers people, then get out. Duh.
So many people owe me money that it is ridiculous, it is ALOT if you add up all the numbers, but no, they don't care. They won't pay me back. Probably never, which is the sad part, also that you trust someone enough for them to screw you around.
Now, I smoke, maybe I should quit, maybe I shouldn't, I don't want anyone telling me what to do, or how to live my life. I'm me, get over it. I do what I want!!! (South Park)
What else has happened while I am on here. Oh right, Justin Bieber landed, whoopty friggin doo!!! The girls at the airports screams could be heard from a mile away, I hope he got egged again, because that was god damn funny. I put the YouTube clip on repeat.
University is so average at the moment, only few people are keeping me going, lovely Andy what would I do without you???? The there aremy two best mates in my course, C and M. They're the only people keeping me going, I have already given up, and first semester isn't even over. I am also doing my Prac for my course, and that is another thing keeping me going, my client, she is absolutely wonderful and I would not want to ruin that. For her sake, and for mine.
Work, work is work. What can I say, has it's good days, and has it's bad, I can't bag it because it's giving me a living. If I didn't have this job then I wouldn't have a TV or a laptop or soon to have, a car. I am so glad I'm working hard for what I want, and it is not being given to me by parents or anything. If that happened, I'd just turn into a spoilt slut, who doesn't give a damn about family, friends or relationships. Yes, I'm being bias, so what. I am entitled to my own opinion.
Another thing about University is that it has opened up my eyes to the world and what is around us, I never used to see people with disabilities for who they really were as much, until now. I still hardly saw them very different, but it has opened my eyes to the politics and the media around the area, and how it is influencing the general publics opinion on the area, and of people in the category.
Mental illness, people with intellectual disabilities isn't very known or recognised, as they have "normal" features to them, from the plain eye. Everyone has something wrong with them. There is no such thing as a normal person. Alot of people have mental health issues, you just can't see it, and then there are psychologists who think they know everything, when they don't. They really don't. They can twist anyones words to make people think what they want to think about someone, or even themselves.
Man I have written a shit load, but I can go on, and I probably will. I am on my little rant now.
What else, oh yes. The Prime Minister of Australia, want's to cut Welfare checks to teenagers with children unless they get an education or try and get a job, (something along those lones) and I agree with it. Work for your money, the Welfare system in Australia is totally corrupt, there are so many people who get around it, who make more money sitting on there arses doing nothing and making more than people who went to uni and worked their bloody guts off to be where they are now. It makes no sense, not one bit. If you want money, prove that you need it, work for it. Don't sit on your arse day in, day out. It's actually bad for you health aswell, and you'll probably get fat, if not, unhealthy.
Everything needs changing, everything could be so much better now, but in reality, change never happens. People don't change, so instead they grow apart, choose people and friends suited to you. I've been going on a friend detox since year 9, winning and losing some constantly, at the end of this detox, I'll know who is true. I don't hate anyone, but I can't be friends with people who don't like me, as me, or don't suit me. It's so hard to explain, but in the end, you want to be around people most compatible, similar interests, etc. etc.
I'm going to leave it at that. I most likely won't write anything for a while, but it's not like anyone actually reads this, so meh. Have a good life.

Sunday, April 24, 2011
One of my closest friends for the past six months has officially left.
She is no longer in Adelaide anymore. Twenty minutes ago her plane left.
She has gone to live in Greece, and now I'm stuck here, in this shitty city, upset.
Won't see her for a while, but I am definitely going to go over and see her. :)
Cannot wait until I finish my university degree so I too can get out of this shit hole called home. Cannot wait to move, to leave, leave all this shit behind.
I must say, alot of good has come from this place, but, nothing lasts forever. Nothing at all, it will become more shit in the near future. I don't want to be here for that, at all.
I want to grow up happy, with a good job, get a family, but party long and hard until then. Laaaaaaa la la.
Time to listen to some metal. In Flames will start off nicely. Followed by some Septic Flesh.

Click the pictures :)
She is no longer in Adelaide anymore. Twenty minutes ago her plane left.
She has gone to live in Greece, and now I'm stuck here, in this shitty city, upset.
Won't see her for a while, but I am definitely going to go over and see her. :)
Cannot wait until I finish my university degree so I too can get out of this shit hole called home. Cannot wait to move, to leave, leave all this shit behind.
I must say, alot of good has come from this place, but, nothing lasts forever. Nothing at all, it will become more shit in the near future. I don't want to be here for that, at all.
I want to grow up happy, with a good job, get a family, but party long and hard until then. Laaaaaaa la la.
Time to listen to some metal. In Flames will start off nicely. Followed by some Septic Flesh.

Click the pictures :)
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Monday, April 11, 2011
Man I really do not get people sometimes, so many mixed messages.
So many lies, there's no truth in peoples words. It is a shame, there are only few I can truly trust.
I wish people were trustworthy or reliable, and wouldn't make up fake excuses not to see you.
Tell the truth people, hurts less in the long run, unlike a lie, try and keep it up buddy. Just see how far you'll go.
Men, are such a headfuck, unreadable cunts, the lot of them.
Sex, Drugs and Rock 'n' Roll are you friends. Alcohol is a mate on occasion. Drink it dry. Goon, Banrock Pink Moscato, Jack Daniels and Johnny Walker Red, keeping people sane since the dawn of time.
Now I really should study for my test tomorrow. But I'm not going to, my head is so fucking screwed up right now by so much thinking. It may overload tonight. Darn shame there's a lack of grass in this place.
But, I have over thought everything the past 2 weeks, starting from my birthday. Fuck, I didn't enjoy Saturday night, felt I didn't get things going my way, on MY birthday. Oh well.
This Saturday I could have got a $75 drink card, but I only had 4 friends instead of 5. Depressing. Every little thing has pissed me off, lack of communication, lack of contact from friends, etc. People always being busy. No spare time for recreation and other things.
I had my birthday BBQ last night, my cousin and Aunty came, and so did 2 friends, but there were over an hour late. Ugh, night starts so well. Bonfire in the BBQ went well. Got little brother and his mate off tits. Was a good night, in the end.
Let us pray these holidays go well, and are worth it. Or blind me!
So many lies, there's no truth in peoples words. It is a shame, there are only few I can truly trust.
I wish people were trustworthy or reliable, and wouldn't make up fake excuses not to see you.
Tell the truth people, hurts less in the long run, unlike a lie, try and keep it up buddy. Just see how far you'll go.
Men, are such a headfuck, unreadable cunts, the lot of them.
Sex, Drugs and Rock 'n' Roll are you friends. Alcohol is a mate on occasion. Drink it dry. Goon, Banrock Pink Moscato, Jack Daniels and Johnny Walker Red, keeping people sane since the dawn of time.
Now I really should study for my test tomorrow. But I'm not going to, my head is so fucking screwed up right now by so much thinking. It may overload tonight. Darn shame there's a lack of grass in this place.
But, I have over thought everything the past 2 weeks, starting from my birthday. Fuck, I didn't enjoy Saturday night, felt I didn't get things going my way, on MY birthday. Oh well.
This Saturday I could have got a $75 drink card, but I only had 4 friends instead of 5. Depressing. Every little thing has pissed me off, lack of communication, lack of contact from friends, etc. People always being busy. No spare time for recreation and other things.
I had my birthday BBQ last night, my cousin and Aunty came, and so did 2 friends, but there were over an hour late. Ugh, night starts so well. Bonfire in the BBQ went well. Got little brother and his mate off tits. Was a good night, in the end.
Let us pray these holidays go well, and are worth it. Or blind me!
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Thursday, February 17, 2011
"Coronary artery bypass surgery, also coronary artery bypass graft (CABG pronounced cabbage) surgery, and colloquially heart bypass or bypass surgery is a surgical procedure performed to relieve angina and reduce the risk of death from coronary artery disease. Arteries or veins from elsewhere in the patient's body are grafted to the coronary arteries to bypass atherosclerotic narrowings and improve the blood supply to the coronary circulation supplying the myocardium (heart muscle). This surgery is usually performed with the heart stopped, necessitating the usage of cardiopulmonary bypass; techniques are available to perform CABG on a beating heart, so-called "off-pump" surgery."
- Wikipedia

In simple terms.
They cut you open, stop your heart (hook you up to a machine which acts like a heart), cut your blocked arteries off and replace them with some from another part of your body. Then start your heart again, and staple you together.
"Coronary artery bypass surgery, also coronary artery bypass graft (CABG pronounced cabbage) surgery, and colloquially heart bypass or bypass surgery is a surgical procedure performed to relieve angina and reduce the risk of death from coronary artery disease. Arteries or veins from elsewhere in the patient's body are grafted to the coronary arteries to bypass atherosclerotic narrowings and improve the blood supply to the coronary circulation supplying the myocardium (heart muscle). This surgery is usually performed with the heart stopped, necessitating the usage of cardiopulmonary bypass; techniques are available to perform CABG on a beating heart, so-called "off-pump" surgery."
- Wikipedia
In simple terms.
They cut you open, stop your heart (hook you up to a machine which acts like a heart), cut your blocked arteries off and replace them with some from another part of your body. Then start your heart again, and staple you together.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Thursday, January 20, 2011
You know what
I don't give a shit what you say.
I'm going to do whatever I like, whenever I like.
Why don't I consult with you first? Because you never permit anything.
No, No, No.
Of course things are done behind your back, how else can we do things we want to???
Other city's are not safe! Bull fucking crap, I feel less safe in Adelaide than anywhere else currently.
I'm going to do whatever I like, whenever I like.
Why don't I consult with you first? Because you never permit anything.
No, No, No.
Of course things are done behind your back, how else can we do things we want to???
Other city's are not safe! Bull fucking crap, I feel less safe in Adelaide than anywhere else currently.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
That feeling.
That feeling the whole world is against you.
That you're alone.
The world really isn't against you.
But you can't stop thinking those thoughts.
What if? What if it really is?
You spiral down into a deep depression, lasting only a minute, or for years.
It can get triggered from a tiny notion, or from nothing at all.
You isolate yourself, you make yourself alone.
You make the world against you.
That's how you feel, and you make it so.
It's sad, it's bad, you're mad.
Fuck the world.
You're on your own, you have to beat it yourself.
Who's going to save you now?
That you're alone.
The world really isn't against you.
But you can't stop thinking those thoughts.
What if? What if it really is?
You spiral down into a deep depression, lasting only a minute, or for years.
It can get triggered from a tiny notion, or from nothing at all.
You isolate yourself, you make yourself alone.
You make the world against you.
That's how you feel, and you make it so.
It's sad, it's bad, you're mad.
Fuck the world.
You're on your own, you have to beat it yourself.
Who's going to save you now?
Sunday, January 9, 2011
I hate the fact that there are people out there that are happy because of me, and I'm left here feeling miserable at times.
No need to thank me.
Watching some middle-aged film on TV before work.
Hope I'm not like that woman in 20 years.
No need to thank me.
Watching some middle-aged film on TV before work.
Hope I'm not like that woman in 20 years.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
So... today, gym consisted of a 15 minute walk on the treadmill and 10 minutes in the sauna, with Louisa.
Fully hectic work out it was!
After, drove to BP, got some Iced Coffee, and ended up at Henley Beach.
To which a walk on the beach occurred.
Learned how to skip stones today :D:D:D and chucked a stone at Lou's face, ACCIDENTALLY!
I was aiming for the seagull. Dumb bird.
And yeah. cruised through the backstreets, then yea.
Going to Estelle's now to watch movies ^_________________________^
That is all.
Fully hectic work out it was!
After, drove to BP, got some Iced Coffee, and ended up at Henley Beach.
To which a walk on the beach occurred.
Learned how to skip stones today :D:D:D and chucked a stone at Lou's face, ACCIDENTALLY!
I was aiming for the seagull. Dumb bird.
And yeah. cruised through the backstreets, then yea.
Going to Estelle's now to watch movies ^_________________________^
That is all.
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