I leave in 3 days. I still haven't packed, plus I just finished doing some last minute shopping this morning at HarbourTown. Still haven't got everything I need yet.
Gosh, I am so excited, yet I am still nervous.
My head is spinning, it has been doing this all week.
Could it be the nerves?
I had an amazing night on Friday also.
Went bowling with friends for Akeem's birthday.
So much fun. Everyone either sucked or was good.
It was an enjoyable outing. Some people had been drinking, well most haha.
Full of emotion. It ended at about 12am. After Steven and Liz took me and Ellie home.
Well he took us around first.
We went to Maccas, but on the way there, there was this fat guy in the car next to us.
He's all "I'm cool!" *speeds up*
It was hilarious! His car was also sort of on a slant! XD
We got Maccas, had the best ice latte there :D
Well I have a whole bottle of shit in my room, so I'm going to go have fun. Goodbye.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Saturday, March 21, 2009
I know what you are.
Friday the 20th of March.
It was the most amazing night I'd had since Scorcherfest.
Which was 5 days before.
In the morning it was sports day for my school.
So I went and competed. Got 2nd for Javelin. 3rd for Discus.
I was happy. Then I left at 1pm, almost abused my little brothers teacher as well.
I went home, washed up then went to Greek School. Yes, I go to Greek School.
It was fun. I learn AND have fun at the same time!
Who'd have thought?
After at about 6pm, when it finished, my brother picked me up, and dropped me off STRAIGHT to Fowlers Live, so I could see Stealing O'Neal.
They are the most amazing band!
Meanwhile, at Fowlers I was meant to meet up with some friends.
But they weren't there yet. They came 10 minutes later which was good.
They had Red Bull, but didn't give me any :(
We sat down for a bit, and then a little while later we see Chris skate past us, with his hair all short and nawww ^^, with his oversized t-shirt on. It was so random and cute.
Anyway, they (Ellie, Irene) had made custom shirts, really unique ones, which only THEY had, of course.
They said; Stealing O'Ryan and Stealing O'Chris. Ryan, for Ellie. Chris, for Irene.
I had taken my camera out, and we were just laughing about something. I think we imagined something hilarious happening, like Irene jumping into Tom's car, and him opening it up to find her in one of his drum cases. Haha yeah, I think it was that, maybe something else.
(Well it is us. We can think of ANYTHING.)
They were trying to pose with their custom made shirts for the camera. They could not stop laughing. If you go on my Myspace, you'll see the many, MANY attempts. They simply could not do a serious photo.
It was impossible. Then again, Tristan was watching them pose opposite from us as well, from Jetpack. Hahaha, he's their own personal stalker you see. They see him EVERYWHERE! But he's cool, he got us posters (H).
After about, let's say 13 attempts, well that may be exaggerating, but meh, we got a serious one. But guess what! My finger was in the photo. God I'm hopeless. Then we got an almost serious one, but you can see Ellie and Irene both trying SOO hard not to laugh.
This all together took about 10-15 minutes to do. Maybe even more.
Okay, we had just gotten the serious photo's done. Then Irene was hungry. So she decided to go rumagging through my leftover Maccas which I left on the floor.
As she picks it up and starts looking though it. Josh from In Fiction, The Miracle Is Now walks out and possibly sees her.
I was all.. "ugh Irene.." *nudges*, she looks up, sees him, then hides. Oh god, imagine what he'd think if he saw her going through my rubbish! XD
Actually, I believe he did see her.
Well anywho, we were bored. We just chilling outside for a bit, doing random things. As usual.
Then we were let inside.
As soon as we walked inside, I saw Tim ^^. God he's beautiful.
He said Hello, How are you? etc... :)
We talked for a little while. Then me and Ellie went to buy one of their shirts, a Stealing O'Neal one. :D Tim asked us what we liked, then his mate served us. He's cool too!!
I know what you are!
It's so cool. I wanted to buy another, but I bought Ellie one instead. I am such a good friend.
Yeah, after that we went to the stage, right side, which I prefer. The other girls don't usually mind.
Then we left to go to the toilet. Our spot won't get stolen.
We come back. It's gone! Damn those girls!
We went to the other side.
Irene was thirsty, she got a cup of water. She came back almost in tears.
The cup she had was just, God.
It was a Red Bull cup. She wouldn't stop drinking the whole night.
The first band to play was The Miracle Is Now. They were not bad.
Then A Year To Remember played, they were good too :D
I left for a bit, sat down, I wasn't feeling the best just then.
Then I went back. Was feeling much better!!
The Mission In Motion was next. They are so cool.
They noticed Ellie and Irene's tops.
Mostly Irene's. The guitarist was all "You" *points to Irene*
She was all "wah? me?" And he went on about, look at her shirt, Stealing O'Chris.
Then he was all, Where's Chris? And telling people about it.
She was happy.
When they finished.
They set up, it went dark. Then they came on stage.
Brilliant night.
They had the most amazing set. It was just a good show to watch and hear.
when they came on, I decided to go on the right side towards the front. But no. Sam was in front of me, not even moving one bit!
He looked bored shitless, then why was he even there!!
Ohwell, I got some amazing photos from where I was standing.
Was just so amazing.
Oh and they did an ENCORE!
They playes Arctic Dancefloor, and Chris was all, "So umm, Hows does it start again?"
Nawww, so cute. Hehe, By this time I was at the front.
Chris sat right infront of Ellie and Irene, and sang.
It was so beautiful.
After their performance.
We went and spoke to the band members :)
I went and spoke to Tim, and got a photo with him, finally.
He hugged me, he said I give really good hugs!
Ellie got a photo with all of them. Even TOM!
Irene got a picture with Chris, wearing her Stealing O'Chris top. He liked it.
They all liked their custom tops. Even Ryan. Chris smiled on stage at them. And Ryan saw Ellies top during The Mission In Motion and smiled.
Oh we also got kicked out of Fowlers like 10 minutes after the gig finished. Stupid security.
So we got photos with the rest of them outside.
We spoke to Tim for a while, while waiting for Tom to come out.
We asked him to get Tom for us.
So when he saw Tom, he called us, and told us where he was. XD
Also while we were outside just waiting. We see Tim randomly being chased by Chris.
We were all... okay then XD
Hahaha, we found out why. So random.
Tim cut himself jumping over a fence, and ripped Chris' top too XD
When they were friends again. All of the band decided to destroy Chris' t-shirt.
Ryan and Jack holding onto Chris on one side, and Tim and someother guy holding onto his shirt from inside a car. Chris tried to take the top off but they wouldn't let him, haha.
The guy driving sped off, and the shirt ripped a bit.
Then they continued ripping it themselves hahaha.
Ellie got this all on video by the way. Hilarious.
Well then after about all of this. We had to leave.
It was very enjoyable and it was an amazing night.
And that is all.
It was the most amazing night I'd had since Scorcherfest.
Which was 5 days before.
In the morning it was sports day for my school.
So I went and competed. Got 2nd for Javelin. 3rd for Discus.
I was happy. Then I left at 1pm, almost abused my little brothers teacher as well.
I went home, washed up then went to Greek School. Yes, I go to Greek School.
It was fun. I learn AND have fun at the same time!
Who'd have thought?
After at about 6pm, when it finished, my brother picked me up, and dropped me off STRAIGHT to Fowlers Live, so I could see Stealing O'Neal.
They are the most amazing band!
Meanwhile, at Fowlers I was meant to meet up with some friends.
But they weren't there yet. They came 10 minutes later which was good.
They had Red Bull, but didn't give me any :(
We sat down for a bit, and then a little while later we see Chris skate past us, with his hair all short and nawww ^^, with his oversized t-shirt on. It was so random and cute.
Anyway, they (Ellie, Irene) had made custom shirts, really unique ones, which only THEY had, of course.
They said; Stealing O'Ryan and Stealing O'Chris. Ryan, for Ellie. Chris, for Irene.
I had taken my camera out, and we were just laughing about something. I think we imagined something hilarious happening, like Irene jumping into Tom's car, and him opening it up to find her in one of his drum cases. Haha yeah, I think it was that, maybe something else.
(Well it is us. We can think of ANYTHING.)
They were trying to pose with their custom made shirts for the camera. They could not stop laughing. If you go on my Myspace, you'll see the many, MANY attempts. They simply could not do a serious photo.
It was impossible. Then again, Tristan was watching them pose opposite from us as well, from Jetpack. Hahaha, he's their own personal stalker you see. They see him EVERYWHERE! But he's cool, he got us posters (H).
After about, let's say 13 attempts, well that may be exaggerating, but meh, we got a serious one. But guess what! My finger was in the photo. God I'm hopeless. Then we got an almost serious one, but you can see Ellie and Irene both trying SOO hard not to laugh.
This all together took about 10-15 minutes to do. Maybe even more.
Okay, we had just gotten the serious photo's done. Then Irene was hungry. So she decided to go rumagging through my leftover Maccas which I left on the floor.
As she picks it up and starts looking though it. Josh from In Fiction, The Miracle Is Now walks out and possibly sees her.
I was all.. "ugh Irene.." *nudges*, she looks up, sees him, then hides. Oh god, imagine what he'd think if he saw her going through my rubbish! XD
Actually, I believe he did see her.
Well anywho, we were bored. We just chilling outside for a bit, doing random things. As usual.
Then we were let inside.
As soon as we walked inside, I saw Tim ^^. God he's beautiful.
He said Hello, How are you? etc... :)
We talked for a little while. Then me and Ellie went to buy one of their shirts, a Stealing O'Neal one. :D Tim asked us what we liked, then his mate served us. He's cool too!!
I know what you are!
It's so cool. I wanted to buy another, but I bought Ellie one instead. I am such a good friend.
Yeah, after that we went to the stage, right side, which I prefer. The other girls don't usually mind.
Then we left to go to the toilet. Our spot won't get stolen.
We come back. It's gone! Damn those girls!
We went to the other side.
Irene was thirsty, she got a cup of water. She came back almost in tears.
The cup she had was just, God.
It was a Red Bull cup. She wouldn't stop drinking the whole night.
The first band to play was The Miracle Is Now. They were not bad.
Then A Year To Remember played, they were good too :D
I left for a bit, sat down, I wasn't feeling the best just then.
Then I went back. Was feeling much better!!
The Mission In Motion was next. They are so cool.
They noticed Ellie and Irene's tops.
Mostly Irene's. The guitarist was all "You" *points to Irene*
She was all "wah? me?" And he went on about, look at her shirt, Stealing O'Chris.
Then he was all, Where's Chris? And telling people about it.
She was happy.
When they finished.
They set up, it went dark. Then they came on stage.
Brilliant night.
They had the most amazing set. It was just a good show to watch and hear.
when they came on, I decided to go on the right side towards the front. But no. Sam was in front of me, not even moving one bit!
He looked bored shitless, then why was he even there!!
Ohwell, I got some amazing photos from where I was standing.
Was just so amazing.
Oh and they did an ENCORE!
They playes Arctic Dancefloor, and Chris was all, "So umm, Hows does it start again?"
Nawww, so cute. Hehe, By this time I was at the front.
Chris sat right infront of Ellie and Irene, and sang.
It was so beautiful.
After their performance.
We went and spoke to the band members :)
I went and spoke to Tim, and got a photo with him, finally.
He hugged me, he said I give really good hugs!
Ellie got a photo with all of them. Even TOM!
Irene got a picture with Chris, wearing her Stealing O'Chris top. He liked it.
They all liked their custom tops. Even Ryan. Chris smiled on stage at them. And Ryan saw Ellies top during The Mission In Motion and smiled.
Oh we also got kicked out of Fowlers like 10 minutes after the gig finished. Stupid security.
So we got photos with the rest of them outside.
We spoke to Tim for a while, while waiting for Tom to come out.
We asked him to get Tom for us.
So when he saw Tom, he called us, and told us where he was. XD
Also while we were outside just waiting. We see Tim randomly being chased by Chris.
We were all... okay then XD
Hahaha, we found out why. So random.
Tim cut himself jumping over a fence, and ripped Chris' top too XD
When they were friends again. All of the band decided to destroy Chris' t-shirt.
Ryan and Jack holding onto Chris on one side, and Tim and someother guy holding onto his shirt from inside a car. Chris tried to take the top off but they wouldn't let him, haha.
The guy driving sped off, and the shirt ripped a bit.
Then they continued ripping it themselves hahaha.
Ellie got this all on video by the way. Hilarious.
Well then after about all of this. We had to leave.
It was very enjoyable and it was an amazing night.
And that is all.
The amazing things.
Six days ago, I had an amazing day with my friends: Irene, Ellie, Yas.
We went to Scorcherfest and saw some pretty amazing bands.
It was pouring down with rain, that didn't mean we left.
It meant we stayed LONGER in the rain, watching The Temps, then watching The FAK.
The were both amazing shows.
Temps were on at about 12:40, while we were waiting we stole, actually we didn't steal, we were given free; coke zero's, red bulls, and strong iced coffees.
Me, being me, drank at least one of everything. Man I had so much caffeine in me.
At 12:40 we saw The Temps, was a really good show, started pissing down with rain on us, but we stayed, of course, and just moved closer to the stage.
Also, leaving behind us a huge pile of red bulls, coke and iced coffee.
Oh no, it wasn't us. *shifty eyes*
Then when they finished, we just wondered around aimlessly for 5 hours.
During which, we signed up for a twister tournament, but never ended up showing up to any rounds.
We were going to play the coke zero team, we would've won easily anyway.
Then we saw Tyson from The FAK, we owed him money, because he gave us our tickets to Scorcherfest in the first place :)
Spoke a bit, then went our seperate ways.
At about 3ish, 4ish? We went and stumbled upon a band called Son Of Dad, my god were they good.
Got there CD and everything now, hehe.
They were just so lively and happy, their music was very enjoyable.
After them, we saw Irene's friend play, he's in a band called Sonny Loveless.
He's pretty good at the drums I must say.
After they played we got hot sexy photos with some coke zero models, we are so much hotter I must say.
At 5:40, The FAK played.
They are so god damn good. We were at the very front.
I got licked on the forehead by Tyson :) Ahahaha.
That was the second time I'd seen them, just amazing.
When they finished, I went and bought a CD off of them :)
After that, we were meant to leave, but we stayed, the bus wasn't going to show up anyway.
So we saw The Beards play, and oh boy are they HILARIOUS!
All their songs are about beards, and they all have beards! Ahaha.
Then we said goodbye to whoever we met, whoever we spoke to and got picked up and went home.
Oh the joy! It was an awesome night.
We went to Scorcherfest and saw some pretty amazing bands.
It was pouring down with rain, that didn't mean we left.
It meant we stayed LONGER in the rain, watching The Temps, then watching The FAK.
The were both amazing shows.
Temps were on at about 12:40, while we were waiting we stole, actually we didn't steal, we were given free; coke zero's, red bulls, and strong iced coffees.
Me, being me, drank at least one of everything. Man I had so much caffeine in me.
At 12:40 we saw The Temps, was a really good show, started pissing down with rain on us, but we stayed, of course, and just moved closer to the stage.
Also, leaving behind us a huge pile of red bulls, coke and iced coffee.
Oh no, it wasn't us. *shifty eyes*
Then when they finished, we just wondered around aimlessly for 5 hours.
During which, we signed up for a twister tournament, but never ended up showing up to any rounds.
We were going to play the coke zero team, we would've won easily anyway.
Then we saw Tyson from The FAK, we owed him money, because he gave us our tickets to Scorcherfest in the first place :)
Spoke a bit, then went our seperate ways.
At about 3ish, 4ish? We went and stumbled upon a band called Son Of Dad, my god were they good.
Got there CD and everything now, hehe.
They were just so lively and happy, their music was very enjoyable.
After them, we saw Irene's friend play, he's in a band called Sonny Loveless.
He's pretty good at the drums I must say.
After they played we got hot sexy photos with some coke zero models, we are so much hotter I must say.
At 5:40, The FAK played.
They are so god damn good. We were at the very front.
I got licked on the forehead by Tyson :) Ahahaha.
That was the second time I'd seen them, just amazing.
When they finished, I went and bought a CD off of them :)
After that, we were meant to leave, but we stayed, the bus wasn't going to show up anyway.
So we saw The Beards play, and oh boy are they HILARIOUS!
All their songs are about beards, and they all have beards! Ahaha.
Then we said goodbye to whoever we met, whoever we spoke to and got picked up and went home.
Oh the joy! It was an awesome night.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
The simple things.

Friends, they mean a lot to me. We meet lots of different people together, for instance, Viv. A poor innocent guy, just doing his job working at the cinema, made the mistake of telling us his name. But, in the end, he didn't regret it. :) Another thing with this 'friends' business.
Poor Irene, probably crying right now. Ahhh, the drama.
On a different note, Irene, Ellie and me pictured above (as well as Mike), saw Eleazar on the weekend at Soundwave! He pat my back, in the In Flames mosh! The Horror, the pain. But In Flames was the most amazing show I had seen this year. It was fucking AMAZING! :) But now i must study, as the girl wants to do well in her studies, and does NOT want to get another 39% on her Legal Studies tests. As that is just plain pathetic.
Now by this point, I pray, that the 'Myspace' is indeed working.
Farewell my dear followers.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
The days which passed.
Friday night: It was the FRINGE opening. We had GLOW sticks. We took ASIAN photos. We danced like IDIOTS. Yeah, that was about it. Oh, I joke. It was unbelievably fun. We met and saw lots of people we already new. Made new friends, we were like celebrities. Everyone wanted a photo with us. Especially the tourists. It may have been because we had glow sticks around our necks and we were chained together. Whatever the reason, it indeed was a good night.
Saturday night: This was the night of SOUNDWAVE. Soundwave, one of the most amazing music festivals of the year. I got there about 11am, went and saw our local band play for like 10 minutes. Then I walked around waiting until the bands I wanted to see started rocking up and playing. I believe the first band I saw was;
- Isle Of Capri
- Madina Lake
- All That Remains
- Jack's Mannequin
- Silverstein
- Unearth
- Evergreen Terrace
- Underoath
- Anberlin
- Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
- Hellogoodbye
- Lacuna Coil
- Alice In Chains
- Say Anything
- In Flames
- Funeral For A Friend
- Lamb Of God
- Nine Inch Nails
Yeah, and I walked past alot of the other bands too. I also happened to meet Evergreen Terrace, and they signed my arm. The night was very entertaining and fun, and I got chased by Ellie and Irene because I had their glow sticks. FUN FUN FUN! I also saw my friend from work, he's so cool :)
Sunday morning: Joy, was so hard waking up. I was in so much pain, and had hardly any sleep from the amazing weekend I'd had. But in the end it was all worth it. Couple of the guys from Unearth came in, Tim and Grant from Underoath came in and Kyle from Evergreen Terrace came :) It was so good. Me and Bek were all 'star struck'. But we didn't scare them one bit. That day was really fun. Then I went and saw my friend again, he had fun too :) as we all do.
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